Specimen Processing & Research Cell Bank

The Specimen Processing & Research Cell Bank shared resource has been split into two separate shared resources:
Biospecimen Processing and Biorepository (BPB) and Clinical Research Specimen Processing (CRSP).

This page will no longer be maintained — please update any links or bookmarks to connect to the appropriate team.

The official announcement of our new cores can be found below.

A technician pulling a rack from the cryotank to pull samples for researchers.

Biospecimen Processing and Biorepository

Provides investigators with high-quality biospecimen sample processing, DNA/RNA extraction and biorepository services. 

Technicians working on different protocols for clinical trials

Clinical Research Specimen Processing

Provides investigators with processing, storage, and distribution of clinical research specimens. 

The New Biospecimen Processing and Biorepository (BPB) Shared Resource

The new BPB (Biospecimen Processing and Biorepository) shared resource originated from the joined SPL/RCB lab and representing the RCB (Research Cell Bank) part. The BPB-SR provides specimen processing services for research studies and clinical trials. One example is the Women Health Initiative which we have been supporting for many years. BPB-SR also operates and maintains many Biorepositories for individual Principal Investigators and research consortia. The two large biorepositories under BPB management are the International Histocompatibility Work Group (IHWG) Biorepository and the Hematopoietic Cell Therapy Research Cell and DNA Bank (HCT-RCB).

Investigators and study coordinators who are interested in knowing and using BPB services can reach out to core director Dr. Jianhong Cao and Manager Lorna Nolan.

Current core services:

  • Processing biospecimens from blood, saliva, oral swab, stool swab and more
  • Establish and maintain Biorepository of cells and DNA
  • DNA/RNA extraction
  • B cell transformation and B cell line
  • Mycoplasma test

The New Clinical Research Specimen Processing (CRSP) Shared Resource

The Clinical Research Specimen Processing (CRSP) shared resource was previously known as the Specimen Processing Lab (SPL), when it was operated jointly with the Research Cell Bank (RCB). Now operating independently, CRSP continues to support clinical trial research through the timely processing, storage, and distribution of clinical research specimens. Our user base includes investigators at Fred Hutch and the Cancer Consortium, accounting for 180+ active clinical trials. Our streamlined workflow supports:

  • Taking delivery of clinical trial research specimens, including blood, tissue, urine, swabs, etc. 
  • Connecting those specimens with processing materials from individual study teams.
  • Processing received specimens in accordance with specified lab manuals / study protocols. Processing may include shipping of collected specimens directly to central labs, or fractionating blood into component parts for storage and subsequent shipment, or any number of standardized specimen processes.

CRSP works closely with study team members to ensure accurate chain of custody, and timely processing and management of processed specimens. CRSP QA can provide SIV support and monitoring records for all equipment. Please contact Director Dan Schullery for service quotes, and QA Coordinator Angela Bryce for new study setup.