Big data: new opportunities and new challenges
Mutations in our DNA can lead to changes in cellular behavior, often by changing the function of the proteins that our genes encode. But there are a few intermediate steps between genes and proteins where changes can also have major health effects. Bradley studies a step known as RNA processing. RNA is a genetic molecule that carries information from our genes to the molecular factories in our cells that churn out proteins. We only have two copies of each gene but need many copies of each protein. By making many copies of a specific RNA, our cells ensure that each protein-making factory has its own set of instructions for that protein.
But it takes many complex processing steps to produce RNA that can be correctly “read” by our cells’ protein-building factories. Bradley studies how malfunctions in RNA processing can lead to cancer and genetic diseases.
“One thing that's become clear over the last ten years is that RNA processing is not just a bit player in cancer,” Bradley said. “Instead, it can be the primary driver of a lot of cancers. And in every respect — from why the cancer originally initiates, to the way it progresses, to why it can become resistant to therapy.”
Though scientists had suspected RNA processing played a role in disease, it wasn’t until they were able to bring together tissue samples and molecular data from many, many patients that their suspicions were confirmed. The size of datasets that Bradley and others work to untangle are growing in leaps and bounds: Having started with data from a group of less than 20 patients, Bradley now looks at hundreds of thousands of molecules in samples collected from thousands of patients.
Only with advanced computation can scientists make sense of such data. Bradley’s team uses sophisticated computational methods and statistical approaches to detect molecular patterns underlying cancer and genetic diseases, including a type of muscular dystrophy. They bring together information from disparate sources, using patient tumor samples, genetically engineered mouse models and cell lines to identify patterns and confirm potential genetic links to disease. Once confirmed, these genetic ties could become the targets of future therapies.
“It's an amazing opportunity. But the scale of data is so large that it presents new challenges,” Bradley said. The McIlwain Family Chair will help him devise new ways to tackle those challenges.
The board of trustees initiative to match endowed faculty chairs concluded on June 30. Thirty-five faculty members now hold Fred Hutch endowed chairs.