Flow Cytometry Team

About Our Team

Our expert and knowledgeable staff members are here to help users navigate a broad array of cytometers for cell analysis and cell sorting. We offer in-depth, hands-on training, and are available to consult at every step of experimental design and execution.


Michele Black

Michele Black

Phone: 206.667.5941
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218
Rebecca Reeves

Rebecca Reeves

Flow Cytometry Lead
Phone: 206.667.4729
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Campus

David Scalzo

Flow Cytometry Lead
Phone: 206.667.6195
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218
Nate Colven

Nate Colven

Flow Cytometry Specialist II
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Campus

Erik Huynh

Flow Cytometry Specialist II
Phone: 206.667.6314
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Campus

Göktuğ (Sky) Esen

Flow Cytometry Specialist I
Phone: 206.667.4625
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Campus

Kate Grushetzkaya

Flow Cytometry Specialist I
Work Location: DE-690, S1-218

Our Location

Mailing Address

Thomas Building Address:
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Flow Cytometry
Mail Stop DE-690
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Steam Plant Building Address:
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Flow Cytometry
Mail Stop S1-218
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Location & Parking

Thomas Building
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109

Parking: Visitors can park in the visitor parking lot by the Thomas Building. 

Steam Plant Building
1201 Eastlake Ave. E.
Seattle, WA 98102

Parking: There is limited visitor parking lot at the Steam Plant building. 

Campus Map and Directions